Businesses helping other businesses
Local businesses reached out to Sweet Capone's to help during a difficult time. Original post from Facebook.
It is only a few days into our imposed quarantine, but we had to share something incredible that lifted our hearts.
"These are some of the messages and kind words we’ve received in the past few days:
- "Hey guys. If you need help selling some product, let us know. We’re here to help.” - The amazing crew at Timber Coffee Co. in Sylvan Lake
- “Carina, I found a double door display cooler. We can pick it up, plug it in here, and people can come grab some cannoli over here!” - Johanna Hannaford, owner of P31 Clothing in Red Deer.
- “Carina, we heard about it and will help you out with being a pick up location for orders.” - The incredible Messinger Family at Messinger Meats
- “You need someone to deliver?! Hey! I’m your man! You guys just say the word and I’ll be there.” - Patrick A. Lepage, one of our dearest customers.
Not going to lie, this made us downright emotional. Being forced to close for 2 weeks is extremely hard. It’s impacting financially, emotionally, and makes us feel like sitting ducks! Our delivery van was also vandalized last week in a senseless act of violence and rendered unusable for the time being. While we admit that the water has felt a bit heavy to tread through these past few days, it is support like this which helps us to bravely push forwards.
This right here is WHAT COMMUNITY IS ALL ABOUT!!! Standing up, pitching in and helping one another out in such incredible, selfless acts of love.
There is a great deal of divisiveness in the world right now. It is easy to focus on that, as it’s all we ever hear about. But today I ask that you focus on something else. What can YOU do to help someone out? Has someone done something for you that you’d like to thank them for?? If so, let them know now! Because it’s this kind of selfless love that will turn the world right side up again!!
Carina, Joel and the Sweet Capone’s Team - Sweet Capone's"