A different kind of birthday
April 01, 2020
Birthdays are usually a time for family and friends to get together with games, cake and fun to celebrate someone special.

Not exactly easy to do during a time of physical (social) distancing and self-isolation. When her son’s 12th birthday was rolling around, Karen Feehan asked family and friends to do something unique to let him know that no one had forgotten.
The weather was cold and snowy on March 30, but Karen asked Matthew to go into the front yard and shoot some pucks in driveway. When he got outside, cars started driving by with their horns honking and music playing. His cousins and friends were waving and wishing him a happy birthday. With a big smile, Matthew showed them his latest trick shots.
This might not make the list of his top 10 birthdays but Matthew’s loved ones came through with a clear message that distance doesn’t mean disconnection.