A whole new world in Waskasoo
September 03, 2020
I can show you the world, shining, shimmering, splendid! Tell me, Red Deer, now when did you last watch Aladdin outside?

If you live in the Waskasoo area, the answer might be just last week!
Not ones for letting COVID put a stop to their community fun, the Waskasoo Community Association held their annual outdoor movie experience for local residents on August 26. Rather than the usual movie in a park, the Community Association decided to shift to a drive-in movie to ensure families could physically distance with ease.
With a variety of movie snacks from pizza to popcorn, Waskasoo residents donned their coziest jammies and hopped in the car for a night at the movies! Some 35 vehicles housed about 140 people to watch the 2019 live-action production of Disney’s Aladdin on a big screen in the Memorial Centre parking lot.
This event helped to prove the age old saying; teamwork makes the dreamwork! After the Community Association Board narrowed selection down to just four films, the neighbourhood was polled and Aladdin won by just one vote! Community sponsors provided equipment and setup at a discount, and an FCSS Spark Grant helped to ensure this event was free for all to attend!
It’s the little things like this which help to build a strong, resilient community. If you or your community are looking to host an event, consider applying for a Spark Grant to help enhance your event! The Spark Grant, funded by the Red Deer & District Family and Community Support Services (FCSS), provides a matching grant to help you build relationships and get to know your neighbours. Applications must include three or more households interested in participating in the project, and applicants can apply for funding at any time. Details are available on The City’s website at www.reddeer.ca/sparkgrant.