An Athlete's Experience
March 02, 2019
For being just 12 years old, Emma Carey has already travelled extensively to play hockey.

Living in Yellowknife means she and her family often travel for competitions; a yearly trip to Edmonton and Calgary are common. However, the 2019 Canada Games marked the first trip to Red Deer for the pre-teen and her parents, one they won’t soon forget.
Emma didn’t expect a lot of ice time during the tournament as the youngest player on the team – she was just excited for the experience. When Emma stepped on the ice for her first shift, her nerves were visible but she quickly settled into her defensive role. When the opportunity arose and she took her first shot on net, her teammates rallied around her with cheers and encouragement. Needless to say, the 2019 Canada Winter Games were full of unforgettable moments for NWT’s player #12.
From Athletes Village to the multiple rinks and venues, Red Deer left its mark on the young hockey player. She enjoyed the friendly faces of the many volunteers, the beautiful scenery around town, and the welcoming spirit in the air around the city. When asked what advice she would give to the next round of athletes preparing for their first Canada Games, the pre-teen sounds wise beyond her years, “Work hard, give it 110%, and remember to have fun!”