Big Red is ready to celebrate the Games
August 28, 2018
Hey Red Deer! I’m Big Red, and I am here for the next seven months as Red Deer gets ready to host the 2019 Canada Winter Games.

You may have already seen my two twin buddies – both named Little Red, hanging out in Red Deer. One has been at Bower Ponds since Canada Day, and the other arrived at Servus Arena just in time to check out the Hlinka Gretzky Cup this August.
You may remember our predecessor, Canada 150 (aka Big Foamy), who toured around Red Deer in celebration of Canada’s 150 anniversary of Confederation. We are made of the same foam construction materials, and much like Big Foamy, we are here to bring a smile to your face and pose for a few selfies.
Taking selfies is where we need you, because we don’t have arms. So where can you find us? One of my smaller mates is at Servus Arena and will be hanging out there throughout the Canada Winter Games. Be sure to check him out at XPlore Sport Day, September 8 from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. His twin will arrive at Setters Place at Great Chief Park in September and will be staying there until after he’s done hosting and celebrating the Games with all of our visitors, athletes and local Red Deerians!
And what about me, Big Red? Well I will be hanging out on the northeast corner of Rotary Recreation Park along 47 Avenue for the next few months. And as we get closer to The Games, I’ll be on the move… but you’ll have to wait and see where I go. So if you’re coming down to the spray park, meeting up at the Golden Circle, or just going to be in the neighbourhood, stop by and say hello. Don’t forget to snap a picture and share it on social media! Use the tag @CityofRedDeer and you could be featured on The City’s Instagram page.
I can’t wait to meet you Red Deer and help celebrate the 2019 Canada Winter Games! See you soon.
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#cwg2019 #cityofreddeer #BigRed #LittleRed