Community makes Smile Cookie Day a success
May 23, 2023
Red Deerians recently had the opportunity to buy delicious chocolate chip cookies with the big blue eyes and bright pink smiles while supporting a great cause - Reading College, a project of The Foundation for Red Deer Public Schools.

The Smile Cookie campaign ran in Red Deer from May 1-7.
As part of the Smile Cookie campaign, the Foundation for Red Deer Public Schools, in partnership with Tim Hortons and the City of Red Deer Emergency Services Department hosted Smile Cookie Day on May 6.
Held at the Tim Hortons on Thomlison Avenue, kids were able to sit in a firetruck, try the firehose, and meet local emergency responders. Smile Cookies and buttons were available for purchase as well. All proceeds supported Reading College. Lots of fun was had by all, and the Foundation for Red Deer Public Schools certainly appreciates the support of the City’s Emergency Services to help draw families to the event.
“We are extremely grateful to Tim Hortons, the City of Red Deer Emergency Services department, and the community for their support of the Smile Cookie campaign,” said Kristine Plastow, Foundation Board Chair. “This program is not possible without the generous support of our community.”
Reading College takes place for the month of July at Red Deer Polytechnic. It is aimed at Grade 2 students who just need a little extra encouragement with reading and writing.
“We set up this amazing and fun summer program for kids in Grade 2 where they learn to love reading, and gain the skills to continue their growth as learners. Reading is the foundation for success in school and life. If we can help further develop their skills and instill a love for reading, it creates a lifetime of difference for that child. It will make a difference for them, make a difference for their families and make a difference in their life experiences. That’s the beauty of Reading College,” said Superintendent of Schools, Chad Erickson. “Last year, we had 64 graduates of the Reading College program who were incredibly engaged and able to excel and improve their reading abilities over the month of July, setting them up for further success.”