Developers continue to invest in Red Deer
November 20, 2020
Even during a challenging year, Red Deer continues to see investment from property developers who believe in our recovery and future!

Not only are they committed to creating unique developments, but they are also attracting new businesses and providing jobs.
Following the development of 12.5 acres in Timberlands (Timberlands Market and Timberlands Station) which currently has no vacancy, Developments 2 Inc. is currently working on an additional 4.5 acres of commercial development. The new development will be called Timberlands Crossing. With three “good size” tenants already confirmed, owner Ryan Sawatzky is also getting a lot of new inquiries from other potential businesses. “We’re excited about our stable of clients for Timberlands Crossing, although we will wait for them to make their own announcements when they’re ready.”
Seven years after starting their business, Developments 2 Inc. decided to switch from a residential focus to a commercial focus. Although they still develop residential communities, their commercial offerings provided a more predictable revenue-stream model, and they enjoy working with businesses to help them thrive and be successful, through their property management services.
They were able to use all local trades for the form work, mechanical, electrical, and civil work. “These projects were all put out for tender, but we found that local trades in Red Deer were all coming with the sharpest pencil and best quality work,” says Sawatzky.
Building permit applications increased in October compared to last year, from 106 in October 2019 to 114 in October 2020. Total permit values for this year continue to show an increase over last year, rising from $103 million from January to August 2019 to $121.5 million during the same period in 2020.
Development permits from The City are issued within eight weeks (of receiving a completed application) for new commercial, and building permits can be submitted concurrently and processed in parallel. Ryan says, “The City of Red Deer is great to work with, in terms of approval times and zoning issues. Red Deer has been a great market to bring our developments to and we thoroughly enjoy working with the City. They have been an excellent partner.”
Every development project of Developments 2 Inc. is unique, and they welcome inquiries at