Kentwood Community Connections
November 12, 2019
The community of Kentwood may have noticed about 50 Red Deer Primary Care Network (PCN) Staff blanketing their community in late September.

The community of Kentwood may have noticed about 50 Red Deer Primary Care Network (PCN) Staff blanketing their community in late September. The staff were busy doing random acts of kindness such as cleaning playground equipment, picking up garbage and raking leaves. This fun day was built on ‘Great Neighbours’, which is a Red Deer and District FCSS (Family Community and Support Services) grass roots initiative aiming to help neighbours get to know one another like the old days. 300 positive message cards were delivered to homes in the neighborhood. The cards encouraged recipients to pay it forward by leaving a positive message for one of their neighbours. People were encouraged to become even more active in their neighborhood.
Thank you to the Kentwood community for being so welcoming and positive to our staff! The PCN staff even stopped to have a bit of fun and played a round of disc golf on the course that PCN and the City installed about 10 years ago! We encourage everyone “to be the change you wish to see in the world.” Red Deer PCN is a partnership between your local family doctors and Alberta Health Services. We have partnered with many community organizations over the past 13 years to create a culture of active living.