NOVA Chemicals Delivers Delicious Surprises
May 13, 2020
NOVA Chemicals has long been known as a good neighbour, with impressive community investments, and employee-driven volunteer work, and their response to the recent COVID-19 pandemic is certainly no exception!

In response to employee questions asking how they could further support their community, @NOVAChemicals promptly created an “Inspiration Package”. It included a list of creative ideas employees could use to spread kindness. Things like inspirational messages on brown bags for lunch deliveries, customizable postcards and thank you messages. Also included was safety tips for employees and delivery arrangements for selected agencies. This quickly led to an “Acts of Kindness” campaign, designed to bring cheer and provide gifts to front-line workers, all while supporting local entrepreneurial businesses.
The first wave of deliveries happened recently between April 22-24, with treats from Babycakes Cupcakery delivered to staff at The Mustard Seed, United Way, Safe Harbour, Turning Point, Canadian Mental Health Association and Red Deer Hospice. Consideration was given to ensure safe delivery and retrieval. Another wave of inspiration is scheduled for delivery later in May.
“It is support like this that helps us shine even brighter during this challenging time,” says Safe Harbour Society Executive Director Kath Hoffman.
@NOVA employees were also quick to participate in the company’s fundraising efforts for the United Way Central Alberta Community Response Fund. Donations from the Joffre location, including the company’s initial contribution, employee contributions, then company matching funds, has exceeded $50,000 and that doesn’t include the Alberta Government matching in effect until May 31.
“Coming together to support one another is the most important thing we can do to keep our community strong during this crisis,” says Joffre Site Leader Mark Hodson.
For more information about NOVA Chemicals, visit their COVID media centre.