Parks staff put their best foot forward
September 03, 2019
Having access to safe, certified work clothing can be a barrier in getting back into the work force.

Just imagine having the knowledge and skills to do a job, but not being able to get one because you don’t have a permanent address or adequate safety clothing to do the job correctly. That is what makes the recent donation of work boots by City of Red Deer Parks staff to The Mustard Seed so important. It is the type of gift that can help someone get a steady income, and maybe even help them break the poverty cycle. Parks employees Andrew Cernohorsky and Rayne Larson recently dropped the donation off at The Mustard Seed on behalf of the department.
“The Parks department has been donating their old, usable boots for about 5 years now,” states Maggie Wyntjes, Landscape Parks Foreman. “When our staff members get new boots, their old ones seem to end up in the donation box, unless they are too worn out.”
City parks staff have donated roughly 15 pairs of boots per year since they first set up their boot donation box.
“We meet a number of men and women who are ready, willing, and able to head to work in a labour job, but they often don’t have the right clothing and footwear to take the job,” explains Scott Tilbury, Community Development Officer, The Mustard Seed. “The generous and kind hearted donation from The City of Red Deer Parks department staff is truly appreciated.
While work clothing is always appreciated at The Mustard Seed, the list of most needed donation items includes new clothing (pants, socks, sweaters, t-shirts, underwear, hats, and jackets) and toiletries like deodorant, razors, shampoo and soap.
If you are interested in making a donation to The Mustard Seed, donations are accepted at 6002 54 Ave, Red Deer, between the hours of noon and 6:30 p.m. on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, or between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday.