(re)Connect with us via Red Deer: Active at Home
March 21, 2020
This is hard. Period. School closures, job loss, isolation and social distancing because of COVID-19 have left many of us struggling to stay active - to stay connected with ourselves, with each other and with our community. But sometimes it’s the little things that have the biggest impact.

We have heard stories about everything from neighbourhood window scavenger hunts to FaceTime playdates and free live-streamed fitness classes.
There are local businesses in our community innovating with local breweries now “brewing” hand sanitizer instead of beer. We have an amazing community with people doing everything they can to help their fellow Red Deerians navigate this growing and scary pandemic.
And amidst all this chaos, we also want to help Red Deerians connect with us, with each other and with their community. And so, we created Red Deer: Active at Home - a Facebook page dedicated to sharing culture, recreation, fitness, health and community information that focuses on things you can do at home to stay active, healthy and connected. We are using this page to share virtual fitness videos, art classes, games, home-schooling activities and local business innovations. Physical distancing does not mean we can’t stay socially connected – and that’s what this page is about.
Dr. Jody Carrington, a central Alberta psychologist and best selling author, says we are wired to do hard things. She commonly talks about the “(re)connection revolution,” and we want to be a part it. Red Deer: Active at Home is our way of reaching out at time when we are all doing hard things.
Red Deer: Active at Home is for you. Share your ideas with us. Tell us what you want to see on this page. Despite physical distancing, let’s find ways to (re)connect with each other – to help each other get through this – together.
If you are struggling. Reach out. Connect with people in your social circle. There are lots of resources available through Canadian Mental Health and local agencies. If you have questions, please call us at 403-342-8111. We are here to (re)connect with you.
All of us at The City of Red Deer.