RCMP officers receive a heartfelt thank you
October 05, 2020
A father-daughter duo brightened some Red Deer RCMP members’ day when they presented them with a few tokens of appreciation.

“One day I came down to the detachment just to talk to an officer and thank them for the work they do,” said Brian Estey-Hevey. “The officer I spoke to was so thankful. I think the amount of stuff they deal with and the criticism they face every day can get to them.”
Brian left that interaction wanting to do something bigger to show his support, and his daughter Hailey quickly joined in.
On Sept. 29, Brian and Hailey presented Red Deer RCMP officers with a thank you card signed by local business owners, a poem Hailey had written, and a painting by her as well.
The group listened as Hailey read her poem, and had a chance to take a quick photo before they had to head back out. The thank you card, and Hailey’s poem and painting are hanging in the detachment where all staff will be able to read and enjoy.