Our Christmas Wish
December 22, 2021
Merry Christmas from us to you.

When the world spins quickly
And time flies right on by
This season brings a pause
And a twinkle to your eye
It’s been another long year
With lots of ups and downs
But as we approach the holidays
We hope joy and happiness surrounds
Walking through City Hall Park
All the lights a gorgeous glow
The world seems lighter still
And your spirit can’t help but show
It’s the glow of your Christmas tree
As you take a pause or two
Sipping on something warm
It’s the Hallmark thing to do
It’s a wrapping paper flurry
The activity, the mess
But it fills a heavy heart with love
And you wouldn’t want any less
It’s being exhausted at the end of it all
But you wouldn’t change a thing
Because after all being together
Is what makes the angels sing
It’s random acts of kindness
That show someone you care
You may never have even met before
But you’re still inclined to share
If we’ve learned nothing else
It’s what we value most of all
Is not the gifts or the glamour
It’s being together - even if it’s small
Holiday traditions
From many years ago
Are back with us again this year
And make our big hearts glow
Ones we started fresh last year
Might stay with some a while
And others likely want no part
In last year’s Christmas style
So as we gather safely together
Remember how far we’ve come
Christmas is a time for love
Regardless of where you’re from
Happy holidays to you and yours
From all of us - to all of you
Celebrate safely
And we’ll see you in 2022