The wait is ruff
April 15, 2019
It was an exciting day in the Dixon residence when the new Blue and Black carts were delivered; a program that will start collection on the week of May 6, 2019.

Upon hearing the news, little Miley Dixon, age nine, filled her new cart to the brim and promptly sat it on the curb for regular pick up. There was a little disappointment when she realized she would have to wait until the start date for collection. “Where am I going to put all of my Milk-Bone boxes in the mean time?” she asked with a puzzled look on her face.
“I can’t wait for the program to be up and running!” Miley said. “No matter how small your recycling or organic waste contribution may seem, together we can make a BIG difference!”
Blue and Black Cart collection schedules will alternate, with Green Carts being collected weekly. “I think this is great because it will allow citizens to utilize their Green Carts more,” said Miley. She also stated that she currently uses her Green Cart for pet waste and was excited to say that she no longer feels burdened when going about her regular business. “I know the organics program will take care of it,” Miley said. “This is one of the reasons I am excited for the new carts as well.”
Blue and Black Carts are rolling out to Red Deerians now, with cart collection beginning the week of May 6, on your regular collection day. Carts are being delivered with a customized collection calendar to highlight what carts to start with the week of May 6, or sign up for alerts using Notify Red Deer.
The City of Red Deer’s full cart system includes a Blue Cart that replaces blue box collection and a Black Cart that replaces garbage collection. Blue and Black Carts will be collected every other week on alternating weeks and Green Carts will continue to be collected weekly.
All the nitty gritty about carts can be found online at, or call 403-340-BLUE (2583) for more information.