We’re asking Red Deerians to shape our future
May 18, 2022
Over the past number of weeks, The City of Red Deer has been listening and hosting conversations with Red Deerians on the future of our city.

On Monday evening, we held our fifth workshop where we heard from dozens of residents at Festival Hall who shared their ideas for Red Deer over the short to long term.
This is all happening as part of Shape your Red Deer, chart our community’s path to 2040 where The City is doing Public Participation to inform City Council’s 2022-2026 Strategic Plan and administration’s long-term plan Vision 2040. The Strategic Plan is City Council’s direction to Administration on the important work they would like completed over the course of their term, for the benefit of the community and residents they serve.
As part of the engagement, we ask for feedback on the draft 2022-2026 Strategic Plan which has three focus areas: Thriving City, Community Health and Wellbeing and Engaged/Connected City. We ask participants to tell us what is the most important thing that should be achieved under each focus area, and if we missed anything. We are collecting all the feedback, analyzing it, and revising the Strategic Plan based on what we hear. This information will be shared back with the public this summer, so stay tuned!
We are also asking participants to think ahead to the year 2040, and share their hopes, dreams and big ideas on what we should do to get there.
We will be sharing a full report on what we heard with the public this summer, but so far at almost every conversation, people tell us how much they love the trails and park system, and this is something residents want to see maintained or expanded on in the years ahead.
If you haven’t had the chance to participate in this engagement yet, there is still time! Until the end of May, we have a online engagement tool open: https://reddeer.mysocialpinpoint.ca/shape-your-red-deer/shape-your-red-deer-home
We are also popping into events that are happening in the community until the end of May. You can catch us this Saturday, May 21 at the Market in Red Deer. Look for the Shape your Red Deer booth.